Brenden's age...

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Baby Story...

July 15th, 2008 - The day it all began.

As I was getting ready to go camping the next day, I took a pregnancy test. As I waited anxiously for the symbols to appear, my mind was racing. Those five minutes were the longest five minutes of my life. I called my mom into the bathroom, only to have her tell me it was positive. We went to bed and slept on the thought of the whole situation. Upon waking up the following morning, I had to pee in a cup and mom took it down the doctor's office. She came back and repeated the doctor's exact phrase, "she is most definitely pregnant." Now the fun part, telling my dad. I left that up to mom, who told him before we had went camping. Compared to the reaction that I was expecting, he didn't really say much about it. As the months went by and the shock wore off, he still didn't really say much. But on December 10th, roughly 1:15 a.m, my water broke. Of course, it WOULD be the biggest snow storm of the month! We made it there safe and sound, and my gorgeous son arrived at 4:03 p.m, after 15 hours of long labor.

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